
Friday, 12 August 2011

MikroTik Configuration

Configuration Management

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Applies to RouterOS: 2.9, v3, v4




This manual introduces you with commands which are used to perform the following functions:
  • system backup;

  • system restore from a backup;

  • configuration export;

  • configuration import;

  • system configuration reset.


The configuration backup can be used for backing up MikroTik RouterOS configuration to a binary file, which can be stored on the router or downloaded from it using FTP for future use. The configuration restore can be used for restoring the router's configuration, exactly as it was at the backup creation moment, from a backup file. The restoration procedure assumes the cofiguration is restored on the same router, where the backup file was originally created, so it will create partially broken configuration if the hardware has been changed.
The configuration export can be used for dumping out complete or partial MikroTik RouterOS configuration to the console screen or to a text (script) file, which can be downloaded from the router using FTP protocol. The configuration dumped is actually a batch of commands that add (without removing the existing configuration) the selected configuration to a router. The configuration import facility executes a batch of console commands from a script file.
System reset command is used to erase all configuration on the router. Before doing that, it might be useful to backup the router's configuration.

System Backup

Submenu level: /system backup


The backup save command is used to store the entire router configuration in a backup file. The file is shown in the /file submenu. It can be downloaded via ftp to keep it as a backup for your configuration.
Important! The backup file contains sensitive information, do not store your backup files inside the router's Files directory, instead, download them, and keep them in a secure location.
To restore the system configuration, for example, after a /system reset-configuration, it is possible to upload that file via ftp and load that backup file using load command in /system backup submenu. Command Description
  • load name=[filename] - Load configuration backup from a file

  • save name=[filename] - Save configuration backup to a file

Warning: If TheDude and user-manager is installed on the router then backup will not take care of configuration used by these tools. Therefore additional care should be taken to save configuration from these. Use provided tool mechanisms to save/export configuration if you want to save it.


To save the router configuration to file test:
[admin@MikroTik] system backup> save name=test

Configuration backup saved

[admin@MikroTik] system backup>
To see the files stored on the router:
[admin@MikroTik] > file print


0 test.backup backup 12567 sep/08/2004 21:07:50

[admin@MikroTik] >
To load the saved backup file test:
[admin@MikroTik] > system backup load name=test 

Restore and reboot? [y/N]:


Restoring system configuration

System configuration restored, rebooting now

Exporting Configuration

Command name: /export
The export command prints a script that can be used to restore configuration. The command can be invoked at any menu level, and it acts for that menu level and all menu levels below it. The output can be saved into a file, available for download using FTP.

Command Description

  • file=[filename] - saves the export to a file


[admin@MikroTik] > ip address print

Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic


0 bridge1

1 ether1

[admin@MikroTik] >
To make an export file:
[admin@MikroTik] ip address> export file=address

[admin@MikroTik] ip address>
To see the files stored on the router:
[admin@MikroTik] > file print


0 address.rsc script 315 dec/23/2003 13:21:48

[admin@MikroTik] >

Importing Configuration

Command name: /import
The root level command /import [file_name] executes a script, stored in the specified file adds the configuration from the specified file to the existing setup. This file may contain any console comands, including scripts. is used to restore configuration or part of it after a /system reset event or anything that causes configuration data loss.
Note that it is impossible to import the whole router configuration using this feature. It can only be used to import a part of configuration (for example, firewall rules) in order to spare you some typing.

Command Description

  • file=[filename] - loads the exported configuration from a file to router

Automatic Import

Since RouterOS v3rc it is possible to automatically execute scripts - your script file has to be called - once this file is uploaded with FTP to the router, it will automatically be executed, just like with the Import command.


To load the saved export file use the following command:
[admin@MikroTik] > import address.rsc

Opening script file address.rsc

Script file loaded and executed successfully

[admin@MikroTik] >

Configuration Reset

Command name: /system reset-configuration


The command clears all configuration of the router and sets it to the default including the login name and password ('admin' and no password), IP addresses and other configuration is erased, interfaces will become disabled. After the reset command router will reboot.

Command Description

  • keep-users: keeps router users and passwords

  • no-defaults: doesn't load any default cofigurations, just clears everything

  • skip-backup: automatic backup is not created before reset, when yes is specified

  • run-after-reset: specify export file name to run after reset

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